Being a studio owner is no piece of cake. You will find the demand of your efforts and time constantly increasing with time. It is not possible to manage your dance studio on your own, you need back up! The key of effectively managing your dance studio as an owner is to recruit the right people and create a strong staff to run the studio smoothly. In order to ensure you have a strong team of employees working for you, it is essential to start hire the right people and train them. Here are the three major considerations to create the best staff for your studio:

Create a List of Responsibilities You Need Managed

Even before you initiate your search of finding the right people for your studio, you need to determine which responsibilities and tasks you want your staff to manage. Start by making a list of all the tasks that you need assistance in:

  • Are you looking for someone to handle your account and bookkeeping?
  • Do you want someone to cater to new students, help them get registered, find costumes and more?
  • Need a person to handle your social media and website management?
  • Do you want a person who can communicate effectively, answer queries of students, arrange meetings and ensure everyone is updated about latest happenings?
  • Are you looking for a new dance teacher to take over a few of your classes or to offer a new dancing style class to the students?
  • Or do you need someone to manage student performance, recitals and other dance events?

Once you figure out where you need help and what kind of responsibilities you want the new employees to tackle, it will get easier to identify the skills and experience required for those tasks. This will further help in screening and hiring the right candidate.

Reach out to the Right Candidates

It is important that you create a detailed job description and narrate what is expected from the job so that you attract the right candidates. Here are a few ways to reach out to the right candidates:

  • Ask your family, friends, current teachers/staff, parents or other people you can trust to recommend or refer someone who might be a good fit for the job.
  • Contact the chamber of commerce to inquire about members who can provide you with accounting, bookkeeping or other services.
  • Ask around in local schools for dance teachers who can teach in your studio.
  • Opt for an employment agency that can pre-screen the right applicants for the job.
  • Post on your website and social media about the job available.
  • Search LinkedIn for the right match.

There are various more ways to find the right employees. If these don’t work, you can always post the job opening in your local newspaper or Craiglist.

Train the Staff

Many dance owners think their employees would know what they are supposed to do. It doesn’t work this way. You have to ensure that the employees are well-aware of their duties, their daily responsibilities, and understand what is expected from them. It is also important to have written system, procedures, and policies to help the employees in case of confusion.  Furthermore, it is also crucial for you to regularly offer training to enhance their skills:

  • Ensure that the jobs assigned to the employees are as per their experience, abilities and skills.
  • Offer training to keep them updated about the latest trends and changes.
  • Arrange workshops and seminars to continue their process of learning, manage their weaknesses and polish their skills.
  • Hold regular meetings to interact with all of them, listen to their problems and suggestions.


Once you have a strong team working with you, you will feel the constant stress and burden lessening. It will free up your time to not just efficiently teach your students but also to focus on the jobs that comes with being a studio owner and focus on growing your studio. For more tips, visit