“Dancing is like dreaming with your feet.” – Anonymous


There’s nothing like two souls, pirouetting to the music of passion. They dance their troubles away. As they sway, they balance each other perfectly. Without a word, without a sound, they’re in complete sync.

Tango is the language of romance. Its intensity and vigor is unparallel to any other. It’s the soul of dancing. And it’s the perfect way to connect with your partner, and unleash your creative side.

Marketing Your Tango Class

You have the passion for dancing and have opened your own class. But is that all it takes? Does opening a dance studio automatically lead to success?

Unfortunately, no. There’s a lot more involved than that. You need a business plan, a backup plan, and effective marketing strategies to retain clients.

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you’ll need to be on top of your game.

Here are a few marketing strategies to attract new clients and retain old ones:

Educate, Educate!

Educate clients about the importance of tango classes. The more your clients know, the more they’ll be compelled to join.

For example: did you know that tango classes help fix posture, encourage flexibility and relax the nerves? It’s also the soothing music that helps individuals get into the groove. It’s the perfect way to de-stress.

Let your clients know.

Knowledge is empowering. Your clients, when empowered, will make the right decisions. They will be able to choose the best options for themselves.

When they’re able to enjoy themselves, they’ll spread the word to their loved ones. This in turn will turn your existing clients into your brand ambassadors.

Nielson states that word-of-mouth recommendations are still considered the most powerful form of marketing.

Tango Contests

Boost your clients’ motivation via dance competitions! Furthermore, when you market your contests on social media, you’ll get the exposure you need. Nobody says no to fun and interactive dance contests.

You can also get your team to participate in events and dance cons. This way, your brand will get exposure to thousands of potential clients, and your team will find its passion and drive for tangoing.

You can offer gift hampers to the team that wins. This way, your clients will have something to look forward to. They’ll have something to work towards.

Offer a Demo Class

Tell your clients why you’re worth investing in! Give them a teaser of what you can do. Offer them a demo lesson before they join.

What this will do is show them what they should expect. Secondly, seeing how your lessons are easy will help them understand the benefits of joining your studio.

Everyone loves a freebie. It’ll also help individuals understand if tango is the dance they want to learn. Distribute flyers everywhere—from youth centers to schools, and even offices.

Remember that tango is for everyone; it’s ageless. Marketing your studio lessons to kids as well will help their parents get into it as well. In fact, it’s good that kids will get into it from an early age!

It’ll help them become more flexible and improve their coordination. So make sure you have registration forms ready at the front desk.

How-To Videos on YouTube

Starting a YouTube channel is one of the best ways to market your studio. Create short how-to videos, teaching a step or two, but not giving away the whole technique. Such teasers will compel viewers to turn into potential clients.

Furthermore, how-to videos aren’t just limited to YouTube. You can embed them to other social media platforms. This way, your viewers can share them with everyone and your studio will get more exposure.

Registration Incentive: Waive Fees

You can offer incentives to clients who register. You can provide them with a 20 percent off for beginner’s lessons and 10 percent for intermediate.

Everyone loves discounts and you can even offer a free membership trial that lasts for 10 days. This way, your clients will be able to check out your services and see if they want to continue.

Remember, for any business to succeed, effective marketing is essential. At Dance Pro Income Booster, we provide passionate individuals with the best platform for gaining recognition in the industry and boosting income. For more information on setting up a dance studio, expanding your streams of revenue as a dancer or building and maintaining a solid clientele, visit our website.