Summer time can prove to be a low turnover for dance studios due to vacations. Many of the students would go away for their holidays or have some other summer plans. However, there are various summer ideas that you can implement in order to keep generating revenue and maintaining the attendance of your dance studio.

Dance Camp

Summer camps are a great way for kids to have something fun to do. A summer dance camp is an effective way of increasing your studio’s visibility and revenue. Typically, summer camps last for a few days, weeks, or even an entire month. You can decide the duration of the summer dance camp as per your studio’s availability. It is best to focus on the fun part of dancing since kids usually want to have a relaxing and enjoyable time during their vacations.

Furthermore, following are a few ways to effectively plan the summer dance camp to attract more students:

  • You can offer a flexible attendance to attract even those students who are planning on going to a summer vacation.
  • Schedule the camp during weekdays to make it convenient for the families who are planning a weekend gateway.
  • Another effective way of increasing student participation in summer dance camp is to give the parents an option to pay for the number of days their children will attend, rather than paying for the complete duration of the camp. This will decrease their stress and unable them to accommodate their vacation plans.

Dance Intensive 

Dance intensives are an effective way of attractive young adult and teenage dancers. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to learn dancing or specific dance styles they haven’t learned before. When planning such intensive, it is important to ensure that you make them as creative as possible while keeping them in-depth so that it enhances their learning. Here are a few tips to make your dance intensives a success:

  • Invite guest dance teachers to teach a specific dance style or steps.
  • Offer classes that help students with the dancing techniques for instance, improvisation, yoga, salsa, etc.
  • Arrange a performance at the end of the program to show their parents and loved ones their newly learned skills.
  • Take part in live performances in local events to give your students confidence and experience of performing on stage.

Dance Workshops

You can also arrange a one day dance workshops, once a week throughout summer. Each workshop can focus on a specific dance topic. Here are a few tips to help you plan out the dance workshops:

  • Conducting a workshop on enhancing a certain move or a certain skill, for instance, improvisation or choreography.
  • Determine which areas your students are having problems with and conducting a workshop to help them learn more.
  • Conducting one on how a dancer can grow and improve their dancing skills.
  • Doing a refresher dance course on the basics.

Renting Out

Additionally, to generate more income, you can also rent out your dance studio for a specific duration during a day for different events. It can include birthday parties, local events, recreational activities like crafting, school teams to practice, fitness instructors to hold a fitness class, etc.  This will also help you in introducing your dance studios to more individuals and even turning them into your dance students.


These are some of the most effective ways of increasing the income of your dance studio during summer. You can also come up with other creative and fun ways to attract more students. For more tips and suggestions, visit