So you’ve got your dance studio or training service up and running. You’ve taken care of the basics. You’re trained, ensured and registered. You’ve got the gear and equipment you need and it’s been a few months since your business took off.

Now that things have settled a little, and you have found bearings with your new business endeavor, you might want to expand your client base. If you feel you’re ready to increase your client numbers, we’re going to share some information on how you could go about it!

If you increase your client numbers you increase your profits and revenue. If you make more, you can invest more in your setup and the cycle continues.

Tips on Expanding your Client Base

As a dance instructor, your relationship with your clients is particularly intimate. People take up dance for all sorts of reasons. Learning skills, becoming physically fit or using it as a means to cope with mental health ailments like depression are just some of the many reasons.

If you’re comfortable with your existing client base and feel you have the space and energy to take on more clients, here are some things you can do to go about it.


Amp up that Online Presence

Besides word of mouth and walk ins, many potential clients seeking services such as the ones you offer will likely try searching online.

Marketing strategy research suggests that most individuals don’t even look beyond the first Google search page that shows up. What this means is if your business doesn’t show up on that first page, you’re already losing potential clients!

To remedy this, create professional social media accounts over numerous platforms. Make sure you have an official business webpage up. It might also help to write articles and blogs on dance and the style you specialize in to post on other forums that could get people interested in you!

The more active and out there you are online, the greater the chances of people running into your name and hence your business.

Make Sure your Website is User Friendly

Regardless of where people find you, one of the prime channels through which they get in touch is your website. For this reason, you want to make sure the website is easy to navigate. You don’t want potential clients leaving because your website isn’t user friendly.

The first thing you want to do is make sure that your official website is both easy to understand as well as easy to navigate. The second thing (and this may require professional support) is to make sure all your links and buttons lead to the right place.

Last but not least, if you have an online messaging option, make sure it is functional and that you get all the messages and comments that people leave for you. Many of these could be enquiries and as a client, non-responsiveness can be a real turnoff!


Keep your Social Media Feeds Alive and Active

Keeping your social media feeds active is another thing that really benefits your client base. You’re going to have to get creative here because there are likely other dance instructors who have active social media accounts set up for the same reason.

Apart from the usual updates, prices, flyers, schedules and time tables, give your existing and prospective clients something special. This could be a podcast on the dance style you specialize in. It could also be video clips of the cool and interesting stuff you do in your classes.

Either way, keeping your social media posts alive and active is key!

Specials and Discounts

People have a knack for discount offers and deals. This is so even if what is up on offer is not something they need particularly. Dance classes are actually beneficial regardless so this isn’t exactly the same as selling someone an extra pair of shoes!

That being said, this principle can be used quite effectively when looking to grow your client base. Offering early bird discounts and other special deals and packages helps attract you clients and also makes you classes accessible for those who might not otherwise be able to afford them.


Workshops, Boot Camps and Short Courses

Last but not least, workshops, boot camps and short training courses are ideal to introduce yourself and your style(s) to prospective clients.

These are the kind of events where your existing clients could bring people they know who they feel would benefit. It is not uncommon for those who attend such sessions to develop an interest and opt to join as a regular when the session in question is over!

Organize the aforementioned and back up your usual marketing efforts by asking your existing clients to help you spread word!


There are dozens of little things you could do to help grow your client base and increase your profits and earnings. If you want to know more on running and marketing your dance training business effectively, check out some of the blogs on our webpage! Till next time folks!