Dance studio owners often have to face certain challenges in persuading the potential clients to consume their service. With the dance studio business swiftly expanding, it is imperative that you maintain a high standard of your studio to retain the existing consumers and also convince the potential target audience to prefer your service over the others.

There a few metrics that serve as important KPIs for the dance studio that denote how your business is performing. These metrics also highlight the weak areas you need to focus on.


1. Clientele Turnover and Referrals

Client turnover is an essential quality metric that denotes the customer satisfaction. The lower client turnover you have, the better your studio is performing. Client referral is another imperative metric that direct towards the satisfaction level of the clients.

To determine the performance of your studio, you need to evaluate the record of your clients for the past six months and analyze the rate of clients who discontinued your service prior to the completion of the program they were enrolled in, and also the clients who got referred to you by existing clients. When clients are snowballed, it denotes that your service is meeting their satisfaction level.


2. Customer Service

Customer service is the ultimate key performance indicator you need to accentuate on. Excellent customer service is the insurer of a successful business. Customer service is your company’s representative and projects the image of your studio to the potential clients. The efficient your customer service is, the better your dance studio is.

The amount of time taken by your customer service to respond, answer queries, and resolve issues determines their efficiency. There are separate quality metrics for rating your customer service that you can utilize. These metrics constitute of; overall satisfaction, customer retention, net promotion score, conversion rate, average resolution time, and complaint rate.


3. Dance Studio Curriculum

The dance education you provide in your dance studio is of extensive importance. The mission and vision of your company denotes the course of your business. This depends on the audience you are targeting as well. The age group of your dance studio customers is a primary factor that coerces you to plan the curriculum accordingly.

The more centered your curriculum is on the learning of art and discipline of dancing and appropriate technique of dancing with suitable terminologies used in the dancing, the better your studio’s performance will be rated. The environment of your dance studio is also an unavoidable factor that plays an important role in determining the quality of your business. The friendlier and more positive your studio environment is, the better your studio rating will be.


4. Studio Infrastructure

Infrastructure of your dance studio is an essential determinant in the performance of your dance studio business. While a dance studio can be started anywhere with a large room and couple of mirrors, to make it a quality studio, there is need to focus on much more. The flooring is important in dance studio.

They need to be smooth, flat and obstacle free to encourage a fulfilling and safe experience to the customers. There should be enough ventilation and appropriate air conditioning in the studio. Suitable lighting is essential to promote effective dancing. If your dance studio business is facing poor performance, you need to ensure that your infrastructure is suitable for the clients. It could be one of the reasons of client turnover.

You can learn more about evaluating the performance of your dance studio at Dance Pro Income Booster, where we can assist you in making your dance business enhance its quality and profitability.