If you’re a dance instructor or teacher looking to increase your student numbers or grow your class size, there are numerous things you could try out. Over the course of this blog we’re going to focus on one such endeavor; creating a strong online presence.

Why This Is Relevant

Creating a strong online presence is an important aspect of your marketing efforts as a dance instructor. The reason for this is that we live in a digital world. Most of the information people receive as well as a lot of the interactions they engage in occur online.

If you have a strong enough presence over the global web, it is guaranteed to help increase the number of those connecting with you to take classes and train.


How to Go About It

When it comes to upping your online presence there are a number of things you can look into. The steps below should give you a better sense of what we’re talking about here.

The Basics

The first thing you want to do is make sure you have the following:

  • A  professional Facebook account
  • A professional Instagram account
  • Any other social media forum you feel is useful. It helps to have Twitter and Google plus accounts too as both these forums are widely used and popular.
  • A personal service website or service webpage (though this is secondary, it does make you look legit to outsiders)

About Your Website

We’re not going to waste too much time talking about how to do up your website. We’re hoping to focus more on strengthening your social media presence over the course of this blog.

When it comes to websites and pages, just remember to make them easy to navigate, make them attractive and don’t forget to have a contact link put in. Don’t leave your website barren. Keep it lively with updates, videos and blogs.

About Social Media

Regarding your social media accounts, there are a few guidelines you might want to bear in mind. Here they are!

Separate Work and Play

A number of professionals extend their personal social media accounts to accommodate their services as well. Not a good idea! You don’t want to mix your personal and professional life for two reasons.

The first is because it makes you seem flaky or not competent enough. Further, you don’t want your personal life up for those you work with to see.

Keeping all this in mind, it is best to make dedicated professional social media accounts for your services.

Regular Posting

The next thing you want to do is figure out some kind of regularity to your posts. A post a day is the prescribed minimum. If you feel you have enough relevant content, you can even go for maybe two posts in a day.

Posting regularly means you show up more in peoples feeds. It also keeps your wall or social media account alive and active.

Content of Posts

You might be wondering how to keep your accounts lively. If you’re worried that you won’t have enough material for daily posts don’t be! A little prep work will ensure that you nothing to worry about.


Class Clips

One of the things you can post is clips of your actual classes. If you give you students a heads up and tell them you might be recording segments of the class to post you should be good. Posting clips from your class a few times a week keeps things upbeat and helps publicize your services by generating interest.

Informative Material

You can’t just be posting class clips. It helps to post informative material from time to time to mix things up a bit and break monotony. The material you post could be stuff you read and found relevant to your classes or student/client body and work.

Alternatively you could post your own material such as tips, pointers and guidelines for those interested in taking up dance with you.

You could also post videos of professional dance performances and world class dancers as motivation.

Positive Feedback

It helps to post reviews that other people have done on you or client feedback that paints you in a positive light. Though you should not inundate your social media accounts with such material (it stops seeming legitimate if you do), a review or positive comment here and there is a good thing!

Schedules and Notices

Social media accounts are great forums to update people about upcoming classes, schedules, rates, discounts and other such things.

Use your social media accounts to keep clients, students and others updated on what you are doing as well as how they can take part.


People are probably going to try and reach out to you over your social media accounts with all sorts of enquiries. Don’t ghost them. Regardless of what questions they may come up with, make sure you respond.

You never know who will be a potential client or student. Further, you want to give the impression that you are efficient and responsive. It will speak volumes with regard to your professionalism.


Don’t Spam

All this being said, don’t get carried away with your social media posting. Where up to three posts a day on a professional account could be acceptable, if you’re posting every hour, people will get irritated. Avoid over spamming people’s feeds and do not send inbox messages unless you’re responding to queries.

The key is to find a balance and keep things alive and happening without being overbearing!


If you follow the steps above, it should really help streamline your social media account management and hence give your online presence a serious boost. If you’re interesting in learning more ways to promote your classes or market your services as an instructor, you could check out some of the other material we have on our website! Till then, all the best!